Is Fear Keeping You Stuck?


Recently, a dear friend and colleague and I set out to change our corner of the world by partnering on a business venture you have come to know as LIFEWORKS.  We started our adventure by holding a workshop in October, 2015 which was fun to plan and develop, attendees loved it and we thought – we can do this, we can start our own business, have more fun than we do working alone and away we went!

By November 2015, we had hired a business coach, had our name, logo, vision and strategy and we started to roll out – it was all so exciting and inspiring.  I was happy and felt fearless, nothing could stop us.  We were on a serious path – I don’t recall a time when I was more productive than I was then, which made it all so crushing when the bottom fell out in January of 2016.  By the end of February, my partner realized, with deep regret, this just wasn’t working for her, and LIFEWORKS, as we had created it, was done.

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The Key to Learning New Habits


I recently took a Mindful Meditation Class through the amazing U.C.L.A. Mindful Awareness Research Center and on our last day, the instructor read us an excerpt from the book There’s a Hole in My sidewalk: The Romance of Self-Discovery that really resonated with me.  I have shared it with several of my friends and clients and thought I would pass it along.

This excerpt is a nice reminder that we are all learning and doing the best we can.  When we know better, we do better.  AND…teaching ourselves new habits, even when they are good for us, can be painfully difficult and we often find ourselves falling back into old routines.Continue reading

My Love Affair With Food


Like many of us after an over indulgent holiday season, I needed to clean out my system in a big way, so I decided to do a cleanse…today is day 20.  It’s an eating cleanse – lots of yummy foods allowed – NO sugar, alcohol, gluten, soy, dairy…all organic, no processed…very healthy and do-able.

A week or so into the cleanse I was feeling anxious because I was hungry, tired and angry (HANGRY), had a busy, productive week, a crazy day, AND it was Friday. I started thinking…obsessing really… about how I wanted to eat a big bowl of pasta and have a glass (or 5) of wine as a “reward” for the week I’d had…I “deserved it” and starting feeling as if I was depriving myself of something that I had truly earned.

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Anxiety: Step out of Your Way and Into Your Light

image001One of my dearest friends is in pain…serious, deep, heart wrenching, agonizing, forever life altering pain, after losing her 14 year old son/soulmate in July in a freak jet-ski accident. She has good days and bad, but most recently, her days have been riddled with rather serious bouts of anxiety & panic attacks…the kind that disrupt your life, render you unable to function normally, and generally scare the shit out of you. She hasn’t so much as said this to me, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s having thoughts like…”Am I losing it? Will I be able to come back from this? Am I going to get through this? Is this my new normal?”Continue reading